Tunduk тиркемесинде эки жаңы кызмат ишке кирди

For the first time, Kyrgyzstan becomes the chair of the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway Steering Committee under ESCAP of the United Nations.

Turkic States AI Summit: Uniting Minds, Expanding Opportunities, Shaping the Future

Санариптик өнүктүрүү министрлигинде мамлекеттик башкаруунун санариптик трансформациясы боюнча кеңешме өттү

1.6 million

Number of issued cloud digital signatures

2.2 million

Number of services provided at Public Service Centers (PSC)

2 million

Number of downloads of the "Tunduk" mobile application

1.5 million

Number of users in the unified identification system

7.9 million

Number of mobile subscribers

17.2 million

Number of documents registered in the “Infodocs” EDMC