«Кыргызтелеком» Ачык Акционердик Коому
OJSC “Kyrgyztelecom” is the largest telecommunications company in Kyrgyzstan, which is the national operator of international and long-distance telecommunications.
One of the main objectives of the company is to provide public authorities and administrations, economic entities, legal entities and individuals in the Kyrgyz Republic with telecommunication services.
Kyrgyztelecom OJSC provides a wide range of services, including local, long-distance and international telephony, data transmission, telegraphy, wire broadcasting, channel rental and Internet access.
The company has an extensive infrastructure throughout the country, including 7 branches in each oblast. In addition, Kyrgyztelecom has subsidiary companies, such as the Republican Production Association of Radio Relay Highways, Television and Radio Broadcasting, as well as LLC “Sergek”, which is engaged in the design and construction of communication lines, installation of equipment for Kyrgyztelecom and its branches, mobile operators, Internet providers, government agencies, banks and commercial organizations.
By the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic №250 dated May 10, 2022, Kyrgyztelecom OJSC (76.8% of shares) was transferred to the Ministry of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic.

1. Internet – Our Internet service provides a reliable connection with high speed YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, WhatsApp. Immerse yourself in the flow of online entertainment, work without lag and communicate with the world in real time.
2. Telephony – communicate with the world without borders! Our long distance and international calls give you the freedom to communicate anywhere in the world.
3. VPN L2 – allows you to create virtual communication channels within networks, which can be used to transfer data between different connection nodes within an office, between different addresses or even cities, uniting offices into a single information space.
4. IPTV – Immerse yourself in the world of entertainment with our IPTV service! The optimal combination of content diversity and reliable technology. Choose IPTV for a bright and rich vacation at home.
5. Co – Location – our Co – location service provides a safe and secure location for your servers. Modern data centers, constant monitoring, high availability, uninterrupted power supply, fire safety, video surveillance and 24/7 access. We take care of your business as if it were our own!
6. Hosting – give your online space a secure home. Our Hosting provides fast loading times, top level security and personalized plans to promote your business.
7. Call – Centr – increase the efficiency of your business with our Call – center. Professional operators, round-the-clock support and advanced technologies for call processing. Develop with us, because every call is an opportunity.
The development of telecommunications in the country dates back to the 19th century…
In 1873, the first telegraph station in Kirghizstan, which belonged to the Turkestan telegraph department of the city of Verny, began operating in the town of Pishpek. All postal and telegraph institutions of that time were part of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Telegraphic communication was then used mainly for governmental purposes.
In 1883, there were 11 telegraph stations in the region with 46 representatives.
In 1885, a telegraph connection was opened in the city of Osh.
In 1890, a new telegraph line from the village of Urjarskaya to Bakhty, 100 versts, 1303 poles, was built. Therefore, the postal telegraph office of IV class in Bakhty was transformed into the postal telegraph office of VI class and, thus, there were 19 postal telegraph offices in the region in the reporting year, of which 8 postal telegraph offices: Vernenskaya (III class), Jarkentskaya and Kuldzinskaya (V class), Dzharkent and Kuldjinskaya (V class), Kopalskaya, Pishpekskaya, Sergiopolskaya, Tsaritsynskaya and Bakhtinskaya (VI class), 6 postal telegraph offices: Borokhudzirskoe, Iliyskoe, Lepsinskoe, Malo-Ayaguzskoe, Otarskoe and Urdzharskoe. There are 3 telegraph lines in the region. 22 apparatuses, 983 elements.
In 1892 there were 19 postal-telegraphic establishments in the region, of which 8 postal-telegraphic offices: Vernenskaya, Jarkentskaya, Kuldzhinskaya, Bakhtinskaya, Kopalskaya, Pishpekskaya, Sergiopolskaya, Tsaritsynskaya.
In the same year:
• 5 postal and telegraph offices: Lepsin, Malo-Ayaguz, Urjar, Otar, Iliysk.
• 2 post offices: Lepsa (city), Przhevalskaya.
• 4 post offices: Borokhudzir, Naryn, Sarkand and Tokmak.
• 22 devices, 933 items.
In 1912, telegraph communication was organized in the city of Naryn.
The first steps to organize telephone and telegraph communication in our republic were made in the 30s, when small telephone stations appeared in the cities of Frunze, Osh, Prezhevalsk, Rybachye, Jalal-Abad, Naryn.
A special page in the history of communications development is occupied by radio relay lines and television. The mountainous terrain of the republic determined the priorities of radio relay lines development. The created network of radio-relay communication lines served as a basis for the organization of long-distance and international telephone channels throughout the territory of the republic and beyond its borders, and what is no less important, it also made it possible to bring television programs to practically all corners of the country.
In 1936, the telegraph and telephone was separated from the postal and telegraph office, and a telegraph and telephone station was formed
In 1941, the Great Patriotic War began and the development of communication networks stopped until its end. The rise of the industry began after the Great Patriotic War.
All work on construction and operation of the first radio relay lines was carried out by the Republican Radio Center, and later by the Department of Radio Relay Highways and Television of the Ministry of Communications of the Kyrgyz SSR established in 1958.
In the 50s, the automation of telegraphic communication began.
In 1954 in Frunze city the first in the republic automatic city telephone station of small capacity was put into operation. With the launch of the station the intensive development of electric communication means in the republic began.
In 1958 a direct radio-telegraphic link between Frunze and Moscow was established.
In the period 1959-1963 intra-republican directions of radio relay lines Frunze-Przhevalsk, Frunze-Naryn, Frunze-Talas come into operation.
In 1964, the second automatic long-distance station in the USSR (the first in Moscow) was built in Frunze, which allowed subscribers to negotiate with other cities without the help of telephone operators. Such connections could be received with 47 major cities of the country and within the republic, including Moscow, Leningrad, Riga, Tashkent, Alma-Ata and others.
In 1968 in Frunze a receiving station of satellite television system “Orbita” was put into operation, which provided reception of programs in black-and-white image.
In 1974 the station “Orbita” was reconstructed to receive color television.
In 1987, the Frunze-Moscow long-distance satellite communication line based on the 60 channel system started operating through the “Orbita” station.
In 1993, with the independence of the Kyrgyz Republic, the state telecommunications enterprise “Kyrgyztelecom” was established to further develop the telecommunications infrastructure.
In 1997, the state telecommunications enterprise “Kyrgyztelecom” was transformed into a joint stock company with a full-fledged corporate management structure.
In 1997, apart from the First Project, JSC KT envisaged implementation of the Trans Asia-Europe (TAE) fiber-optic communication line project. The concept of the project was based on the possibility of creating a powerful modern communication line that would pass through the countries of Asia and Europe by connecting them with a fiber-optic line. The construction of this line, stretching from west to east, from Frankfurt am Main (Germany) to Shanghai (China), makes it possible to exchange information on a global scale. The 24 countries of the world participating in the construction of TAE are connected by a powerful bundle of digital channels.
In 1998, the First Telecommunications Project was completed. Within the framework of the project a digital telecommunication network was created, including a satellite earth station of A standard (contract concluded with the American company COMSAT RSI, USA), digital trunk radio relay stations on SDH structure (NERA ASA, Norway), digital switching stations (ERICSSON, Sweden), fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) on SDH structure and cable facilities (HT CABLE, Israel).
The A standard satellite earth station (parabolic antenna) enables direct communication with eight countries: Japan, China, India, Iran, Israel, Germany, England and a group of European countries. An SDH-structure digital radio relay backbone was created, which consists of 16 radio relay stations (RRS) closed in a ring.
In 1998, Kyrgyztelecom organized Frame Relay packet data transmission network, which united all oblast centers of the republic. This made it possible for large and medium-sized enterprises and organizations to create corporate networks.
In 1999 the project of modernization of telecommunication network of Osh city, Osh and Batken oblasts, financed by Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, was started. The project was dedicated to the 3000th anniversary of Osh city. Its objective was to modernize the telecommunication base of the region. In Osh city, the capacity of the switching station was increased to 30 thousand numbers.
In 2000 the works on TAE projects, Chui project, project of modernization of telecommunication network of Osh city, Osh and Batken regions were successfully completed. Thus, the implementation of these projects gave a huge socio-economic and political significance for the Kyrgyz Republic and provided a real opportunity to integrate the country into the world information space.
In 2001, Kyrgyztelecom obtained the status of Internet service provider. This made it possible to provide access to the global network to both private users and telecommunications operators.
In 2005, works on replacement of analog stations with modern digital switching systems were carried out throughout the country.
Implemented projects:
• Project of modernization of clock synchronization system of digital network.
• Project of modernization of telecommunication network of Jalal-Abad city and Nooken district. Jalal-Abad region.
• Project of modernization and development of resort zone of Ysyk-Kul oblast.
• Project of modernization and network development of BCTN (Bishkek city telephone network).
• Satellite television project.
In 2006, works on replacement of analog stations with modern digital systems were carried out in the territory of the state. As of January 1, 2007, the work on implementation of the pilot project of CDMA-450 equipment installation under the contract with Huawei Technologies in Batken region was completed. Now the most remote villages have telephone communication.
In 2008 Modernization of existing and construction of new intra-area radio relay trunks. Construction of data and voice transmission systems based on packet switching. Construction of new transnational FOCL backbones. Within the framework of the project of digitalization of intra-area communication lines, modernization of existing digital and analog radio relay lines and organization of new digital streams to each district center of the Kyrgyz Republic were carried out.
In 2009, Kyrgyztelecom was the first in the country to introduce affordable unlimited tariff plans, and in 2010, it provided an opportunity to the general public to get unlimited Internet for the lowest price in the history of the Internet market of Kyrgyzstan, thus encouraging other providers to reduce tariffs. In addition, the cost of external Internet traffic was reduced by 2 times for subscribers of Bishkek city on tariff plans including traffic. These steps of the company gave a tangible result to the country – a sharp increase in Internet users in Kyrgyzstan.
In 2021, the SIP-telephony service was tested under the project “Organization of telephony for the Border Guard Service”. The testing was successful and a contract for the provision of the service was concluded. And also implemented GPON data transmission technology, monitored GPON equipment and GPON-NMS improvement works, as well as connected and monitored subscribers of BCTN (Bishkek City Telephone Network) and Chui Regional Branch.
In 2022, an Android TV application was developed, modern IPTV services were developed in TVs and STBs (set-top boxes) with Google’s Andriod operating system.
At present, participation in the project and realization of “Digital CASA-Kyrgyz Republic” is a significant project implemented within the framework of Kyrgyztelecom OJSC. Implementation of this project will provide the population with more accessible Internet, stimulate private investments in the ICT sector and contribute to the penetration of digital government services in the Kyrgyz Republic. “Digital CASA – Kyrgyz Republic” will make it possible to organize resilient channels on the network of Kyrgyztelecom OJSC and increase the data transmission speed up to 100G to regional centers and 40-60G to district centers of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Under the project, the company will provide wholesale access services by deploying a backbone network with more than 30 backbone nodes designed as PoPs (points of service). It will also deploy a distribution network with more than two hundred nodes designed as PoPs to access all unconnected communities, including last mile services and retail Internet access services to 4,000 state organizations.
Location: 720000 Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek city, Chui Avenue, Building 96
Telephone: +996 312 68 16 16 (reception)
Fax: +996 312 66 24 24
Email: info@kt.kg, press@kt.kg
Website link: https://kt.kg/
Reference information about the company’s services:
0(509)001812 О!
0(997)001812 Megacom
0(778)001812 Beeline
Internet technical support:
0(707)680404 O!
0(221)680404 Beeline
0(312)680404 Kyrgyztelecom
0(558)680404 Mega
+996 558 68 04 04 (Online chat – WhatsApp)
Telephony technical support (repair bureau):
+996 312 68 14 14